在香港,一首教友們很熟悉的泰澤短誦,是〈Jesus, Your Light〉--
Jesus, your light is shining within us.首次認識這短誦,是在95年普世青年節時。反觀當時參與各種活動的心態,可說是「齊哇哇」。先是被曲調和韻律所觸動,然後才是歌詞。不過大家都知道,單單理解歌詞的「文法」和「字面」意義,這種認識仍是相當表面的。
Let not my doubt and my darkness speak to me.
Jesus, your light is shining within us.
Let my heart always welcome your love!
Jésus le Christ, Lumière intérieure.法文歌詞,將主耶穌形容為「內裡的光」(interior light)。而整首歌的體裁,似是一個人單獨地、親密地與主交談。因此,英文的眾數「us」就有點失真了。
Ne laisse pas les ténèbres me parler.
Jésus le Christ, Lumière intérieure.
Donne-moi d’accueillir ton amour!
這可說是聖人在皈依過程中,對天主的懇切自白。10. O Truth, O Light of my heart, let not my own darkness speak to me! I had fallen into that darkness and was darkened thereby. But in it, even in its depths, I came to love thee. I went astray and still I remembered thee. I heard thy voice behind me, bidding me return, though I could scarcely hear it for the tumults of my boisterous passions. And now, behold, I am returning, burning and thirsting after thy fountain. Let no one hinder me; here will I drink and so have life. Let me not be my own life; for of myself I have lived badly. I was death to myself; in thee I have revived. Speak to me; converse with me. I have believed thy books, and their words are very deep.
X. O veritas, lumen cordis mei, non tenebrae meae loquantur mihi! defluxi ad ista et obscuratus sum, sed hinc, etiam hinc adamavi te. erravi et recordatus sum tui. audivi vocem tuam post me, ut redirem, et vix audivi propter tumultus impacatorum. et nunc ecce redeo aestuans et anhelans ad fontem tuum. nemo me prohibeat: hunc bibam et hunc vivam. non ego vita mea sim: male vixi ex me, mors mihi fui: in te revivesco. tu me alloquere, tu mihi sermocinare. credidi libris tuis, et verba eorum arcana valde.
對他而言,黑暗是指過往的罪惡生活,和他那沉淪和墮落的人性。但即使在淪喪當中,主基督在他的內心彷如一道微弱的光芒、微風細語地、邀請他改過、回頭。當聖人讀到《羅馬書》的章節:「 ...... 不可狂宴豪飲,不可淫亂放蕩,不可爭鬥嫉妒;但該穿上主耶穌基督;不應只掛念肉性的事,以滿足私慾......」(13:13)時,天主的話語就與他自己良心的呼喚,產生一種莫名的共鳴。一道光明進入了內心,所有懷疑和焦慮迅即煙消雲散。