

看網上New Liturgical MovementWhat Does The Prayer Really Say 的討論,問題的焦點,似由「主祭在誦念成聖體聖血經文時,拿起祭品時應該單手抑或雙手?」的問題,演變成討論「梵二前與梵二後」禮儀之間互相闡釋的可行性。

事緣如昨天所提及的 Fr. Edward McNamara 在 Zenit 網站的禮儀專欄中,談及解決上述第一條問題的方法時,提到:現時禮書似乎未有明確規定。然而愛德華神父亦發現到,梵二禮儀改革前的彌撒經書,對此則有明文規定「應用雙手」。




Ubi rubricae Missalis Pauli VI nihil dicunt aut parum dicunt singillatim in nonnullis locis, non ideo inferendum est quod oporteat servare ritum antiquum.

[Notitiae 14 (1978) 301-302]


When the rubrics of the Missal of Paul VI say nothing or say little on particulars in some places, it is not to be inferred that the former rite should be observed.


If we were to limit ourselves to a minimalist interpretation of the rubrics, we would have to say that there is no strict legal requirement to hold the host in both hands.

However, the liturgical norms of the ordinary rite, even though they no longer describe each gesture in detail, tend to presume continuity in long-standing practice. Thus there is every reason to assume that when saying simply that the priest “takes the bread,” the legislator presumes that he will do so with both hands as is obligatory in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite.





1. In my humble opinion, it is a matter of "common sense" of decency and reverence to hold an important object with both hands (if both are feasible). In the sense that it is offensive to hold the Book of Gospel, candelabra, etc., single-handedly during the Procession, holding the Host and the Chalice in this manner should be regarded as anomaly.

2. In Hong Kong (don't know if it occurs in other places as well?), it appears that some priests feel quite free to occupy both of their hands with the missalettes and thus impeded from reciting the prayers "with hands extended". On some occasions, a priest may hold the microphone by the left hand, and hold the Host by the right hand!

3. As Pedro d'Aquino mentioned, the Canon Romanus does narrate about our Lord taking the bread with both hands. Besides, I could also locate two other places which seem to allude to the priest's being supposed to hold the Host / Chalice by both hands:

- a) according to nos. 141-142 of IGMR, at the Offertory, the priest is instructed to hold the paten with bread and the chalice with wine "with both hands" (ambabus manibus ... tenet). It could be argued a fortiori that this should also be the manner at the consecration.

- b) according to Caeremoniale Episcoporum (Novus Ordo), we read in no. 106 under the category "DE MODO TENENDI MANUS" - "... Ad consecrationem, dum Episcopus tenet manibus hostiam vel calicem et profert verba consecrationis, concelebrantes verba Domini proferunt et manum dexteram, si opportunum videtur, ad panem et ad calicem extendunt..." We know that "manibus" means both hands are used.

4. Personally, I am inclined to adhere to the CDW's ruling given its official character as an authentic interpretation of liturigcal norms. But I would at the same time remain open to possible future clarification(s) from the Holy See regarding whether and how is this rule "remaining in force".
