i. The voice of the Father (vox Patris). This is what is revealed by God through His Word, written (Bible) and unwritten (Tradition) and proposed by the teaching authority of the Church as divinely revealed, (and hence) for us to believe in divine and catholic faith. To assent is to have faith and to deny is to become a heretic.
ii. The voice of the Mother (vox Matris). This is the teaching and explanation given by our Mother the Church concerning doctrines closely related to the Faith, and also its concrete application to our daily lives. These can take the form of non-definitive (e.g. by the parish priest and the local bishops) or definitive act (e.g. the Pope or College of Bishops settling a doctrinal or moral question). We owe her our religious assent and obedience to both forms. Although the pre-rogative of infallibility is often not invoked, we are still bound in our conscience to adhere to the official teachings and to follow the lawful commands of our holy pastors. Here the word holy is not understood in the sense of the pastors' personal holiness and virtue, but in the sense of their being appointed by Christ to rule and to guide us on His behalf.
iii. The voice of the siblings (vox fratris). These are the sincere and well-intended exchange of ideas, views, opinions and experiences of our fellow-brothers and sisters in the community of Faith regarding how to live an integral Christian life. While these are often full of warmth and concern, and we often find them very useful and helpful, their properliness and legitimacy has to be measured against the two categories stated above. The more they echo with the voices of parents, the more "authoritative" they are. But certainly, instead of "music" which you expect, sometimes you may encounter noises or even nuissances!