- 在羅馬禮儀中,我們似乎沒有這種將「聖像」說成「被代表人物」(「這」就是耶穌!)的傳統。在彌撒中,神父拿起聖體說「請看!天主的羔羊......」(Ecce Agnus Dei)--這是實至名歸的,因為我們相信聖體就是主耶穌。在聖週五的禮儀中,我們亦有「請看這十字聖木:是救主曾懸於其上」(Ecce lignum crucis)的呼籲,而不是說:「請看我們的救主、懸於這木頭上」......
- 按照舊版(EF)《羅馬禮典》(Rituale Romanum)的祝福耶穌聖像禱文:「O almighty, everlasting God! Thou dost approve of the sculptured or painted images of thy saints, in order that when we behold them (illas - i.e. imagines), we may be led to contemplate and imitate their lives and holiness. Wherefore, we beseech thee to bless + and sanctify + this image wrought to the memory and honor (in honórem et memóriam) of thy Sole-Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. And grant that whosoever through the inspiration of this image earnestly strives to honor and worship Him, may by His merits obtain grace in this life and eternal glory in the next ...」--這裡說的是「睹物思人」,而不是說「這就是他」。
- 按照新版(OF)《祝福禮典》(De benedictionibus)的祝福耶穌聖像禱文:「天主,你居住在不可接近的光明中,是無形可見的天主,但是你如此愛了我們,竟使我們在基督身上能夠看見你的肖像。求你慈祥地垂顧你的這些僕人,使我們因敬禮你聖子的這尊畫像,而能轉變得日益肖似他......」--這亦強調了歷史中基督的可瞻仰性,亦隱含地指出祂在教會內(特別是我們身上)的繼續臨在。
- 禮儀中的基督臨在,乃有多重。按照梵二《禮儀憲章》(No. 7)的訓導,基督臨在於參禮的信眾、公務司祭、以及被宣讀的天主聖言當中。當然,祂亦更卓越地臨在於聖體聖事中。禮儀本身的結構,是逐步地、層次分明地給我們展現這多重的臨在。但「聖嬰像」在彌撒禮儀中的隆重化,則似乎對這結構造成威脅。
- 因此,在禮儀中高舉聖嬰像、以致成為被瞻仰的對象,似乎與禮儀精神不合。作為熱心敬禮,或者可以接受,但作為「禮儀」的加添環節,則應備受質疑。
- 聖禮部的《熱心敬禮指南》(Directory on Popular Piety)所提供的指引,可能更加中肯--
111. At Midnight Mass, an event of major liturgical significance and of strong resonance in popular piety, the following could be given prominence:
at the beginning of Mass, the proclamation of the Saviour's birth according to the formula contained in the Roman Martyrology could be made in song; the prayer of the faithful should really be universal, and where appropriate, use several languages; and the poor should always be remembered in the presentation of the gifts; at the end of Mass, the faithful could be invited to kiss the image of the Child Jesus, which is then placed in a crib erected in the church or somewhere nearby.
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