- 天主教會屬「我行我素」的、亟待改善的「獨裁」社團和「一言堂」,而更好應採納「民主制度」。
- 神職人員涉及性醜聞案件,起源於司鐸獨身制度。
- 教會領袖面對性醜聞問題,而不檢討甚至「挑戰」司鐸獨身制度,乃缺乏勇氣的表現。
- 司鐸獨身制度源自十一世紀,且基本上是涉及經濟因素而修訂。
- 教會將司鐸獨身的規條絕對化,且將提出異議的人算為大逆不道。
2 則留言:
I could not agree more with you, Edward!
Previously some of my classmates(includ a Catholic) have asked me whether those scandals are a result of the celibacy of priesthood. At that time, I promptly answered NO.
I always compare "celibacy" of the holy orders and "monogamy" of the holy matrimony. They are different but similar in the sense that one remains faithfully exclusive to other people; those priests who committed these offenses to others are in no way similar to an extramarital relationship committed by a married person. It follows that if one thinks of these scandals as a result of "celibacy" in The Holy Orders, one is close to opposing the The Holy Matrimony by imputing the cause of extramarital relationship as a result of its monogamous nature.
Fr. Kwan's idea of challenging the tradition of priesthood is not far from tearing down the essence of marriage.
Joseph Tang