

從論盡神學討論區得知,昨天主日彌撒的福音經文〈二子的比喻〉(瑪21: 28-32),新舊版之間有所分別。







  • 而現時思高聖經譯本(包括新舊約合訂本和譯釋版系列),則與新版主日感恩祭相符。
  • 「新」(Nova Vulgata)和「舊」(Clementina Vulgata)拉丁通行本,與舊版《主日感恩祭》的版本相符。而其他英語譯本(如Revised Standard Version, New Jerusalem Bible, Douay-Rheims, New International Version)亦是這樣。
  • 一本「學術」拉丁通行本,則指出有一種版本,當中兒子回應的次序,與上述拉丁通行本一樣,但聽眾的回應,則是「後者」(novissimus),即「司祭長和民間的長老」們,認為那口口聲聲說跟從、但後來沒了件事的兒子,是履行了父親的旨意!
瀏覽了互聯網,發覺有一本稱為《New Testament Textual Criticism and Exegesis》(Adelbert Denaux, Joël Delobel著)的書,當中提及「二子比喻」的校勘問題。




......就校勘學來說,是這一種經文較為確切;但就上下文的意義來說,我們所選取的經文[按:即第一式]更為適合,因為有上下文為依據,故此比較容易解釋。現有拉丁通行本的經文,如註中之譯文[按:即第二式] ......

根據教廷聖禮部的指引《Liturgiam authenticam》:

37. If the biblical translation from which the Lectionary is composed exhibits readings that differ from those set forth in the Latin liturgical text, it should be borne in mind that the Nova Vulgata Editio is the point of reference as regards the delineation of the canonical text.[32] Thus, in the translation of the deuterocanonical books and wherever else there may exist varying manuscript traditions, the liturgical translation must be prepared in accordance with the same manuscript tradition that the Nova Vulgata has followed. If a previously prepared translation reflects a choice that departs from that which is found in the Nova Vulgata Editio as regards the underlying textual tradition, the order of verses, or similar factors, the discrepancy needs to be remedied in the preparation of any Lectionary so that conformity with the Latin liturgical text may be maintained. In preparing new translations, it would be helpful, though not obligatory, that the numbering of the verses also follow that of the same text as closely as possible.

38. It is often permissible that a variant reading of a verse be used, on the basis of critical editions and upon the recommendation of experts. However, this is not permissible in the case of a liturgical text where such a choice would affect those elements of the passage that are pertinent to its liturgical context, or whenever the principles found elsewhere in this Instruction would otherwise be neglected. For passages where a critical consensus is lacking, particular attention should be given to the choices reflected in the approved Latin text.[33]

39. The delineation of the biblical pericopai is to conform entirely to the Ordo lectionum Missae or to the other approved and confirmed liturgical texts, as the case may be.

[32] Cf. Council of Trent, Session IV, 8 April 1546, De libris sacris et de traditionibus recipiendis, and De vulgata editione Bibliorum et de modo interpretandi s. Scripturarum : Denz.–Schönm., nn. 1501-1508 ; Pope John Paul II, Apost. Const. Scripturarum thesaurus, 25 April 1979: AAS 71 (1979) 558-559.

[33] Cf. Pope Paul VI, Address to the Cardinals and Prelates of the Roman Curia, 23 December 1966, n. 11: AAS 59 (1967) 53-54; cf. Address to the Cardinals and Prelates of the Roman Curia, 22 December 1977: AAS 70 (1978) 43; cf. Pope John Paul II, Apost. Const. Scripturarum thesaurus, 25 April 1979: AAS 71 (1979) 558; Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum, editio typica altera 1986, Praefatio ad Lectorem.

