



去了Roman Theological Forum,當中一篇文章述及教宗保祿六世本人,有關聖經方面的訓導,資料可謂十分豐富。

... A particularly rich source of such teaching is to be found in the Pope's Wednesday audience allocutions, which he personally researched and wrote every Tuesday morning. We are indebted to a personal recollection of Cardinal Edouard Gagnon for revealing evidence as to how seriously the Pope took these discourses as occasions for teaching: in an interview given to the review 30 Giorni, His Eminence has recalled an audience with Paul VI in which the Pontiff confessed to him that some advisers tried to dissuade him from spending too much time or energy on these allocutions, on the grounds that the pilgrims assisting at the audience paid scant attention to them. But the Pope, recalls Cardinal Gagnon, told him: "I always reply to the effect that while that may be correct - for people often do not appreciate hearing the truth - it is nonetheless necessary to keep affirming it. When the need for truth is reawakened among the People of God, they will have to know where to look for it and how to find it." ...


If you walk with Rome, you'll never walk astray
