Genesis events celebrated in the Liturgy
T 570pe / M1251pe
dignatus es munera pueri tui iusti Abel, et sacrificium Patriarchae
et pari benedictione, sicut munera Abel, sanctifica, ut, quod singuli
et sacrificium Patriarchae nostri Abrahae, et quod tibi obtulit
Deus, qui promissiones tuas Abrahae eiusque semini contulisti,
operaris, praesta, ut in Abrahae filios et in Israeliticam
et origo virtutum; Deus, qui Abrahae filios per Mare Rubrum
et eiusdem benedictionis, quam Abrahae et eius semini promisisti,
Qui pro nobis aeterno Patri Adae debitum solvit, et veteris
tradidisti! O certe necessarium Adae peccatum, quod Christi morte
S1850ai / D3094ai
Iesum adducet cum eo. Et sicut in Adam omnes moriuntur, ita et in
First Parents
orbis immolatus vicerit. De parentis protoplasti fraude factor
T570pe / M1251pe
tibi obtulit summus sacerdos tuus Melchisedech, sanctum sacrificium,
in aeternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech. Deus qui ad
Ordo celebrandi matrimonium
Deus, qui potestate virtutis tuae de nihilo cuncta fecisti,
qui dispositis universitatis exordiis
et homine ad imaginem tuam facto,
inseparabile viro mulieris adiutorium condidisti,
ut iam non duo essent, sed una caro,
docens quod unum placuisset institui
numquam licere disiungi;
Deus, qui tam excellenti mysterio
coniugalem copulam consecrasti,
ut Christi et Ecclesiae sacramentum
praesignares in foedere nuptiarum;
Deus, per quem mulier iungitur viro,
et societas, principaliter ordinata,
ea benedictione donatur,
quae sola nec per originalis peccati poenam
nec per diluvii est ablata sententiam.
Respice propitius super hos famulos tuos,
qui, maritali iuncti consortio,
tua se expetunt benedictione muniri:
emitte super eos Spiritus Sancti gratiam,
ut, caritate tua in cordibus eorum diffusa,
in coniugali foedere fideles permaneant.
Sit in famula tua N. gratia dilectionis et pacis,
imitatrixque sanctarum remaneat feminarum,
quarum in Scripturis laudes praedicantur ...
平常醫院工作中,有所謂「Grand-round」(俗稱「大巡房」)。典型模式是:顧問醫生在高級醫生和駐院醫生陪同下,巡察病房內的每一位病人。若套用在教會生活中,則有點似「Stational Mass」和「Pastoral visitation」。
- 按照拉丁教會的傳統,主教是堅振聖事的通常施行者;
- 主教隆重地舉行彌撒禮儀,對堂區教友而言,具有深刻的標記和教育意義;
- 主教可充分利用這些禮儀的牧靈和福傳幅度,為堂區甚至整個教區的教友,作教理講授、釋奧,並針對一些與信仰和倫理相關的社會議題和問題,發表作為牧者的意見、甚至訓導;
- 當這些行動被公教媒體恰堂地報導、且言論被轉載時,可增強堂區之間的向心力和凝聚力,促進教區內的團結;
- 主教主持堂區的彌撒,不一定需要在主保瞻禮的背景下進行。尤其在履行「指導」和「督責」的任務方面,主教其實可以考慮更頗密地、「有預告地」在各堂區「平常」主日的禮儀中出現。
想到這裡,我記起了Victor Hugo名著《Les Misérables》中,講及一位「好好主教」Msgr. Bienvenu的一齣片段:
... He crossed the mountain on a mule, met no one, and arrived safe and sound among his "good friends" the shepherds. He remained there a fortnight, preaching, administering the holy rites, teaching and exhorting. When he was about to leave, he resolved to chant a Te Deum with pontifical ceremonies. He talked with the curé about it. But what could be done? There was no episcopal furniture. They could only place at his disposal a paltry village sacristy with a few old robes of worn-out damask, trimmed with imitation-galloon. "No matter," said the bishop. "Monsieur le curé, at the sermon announce our Te Deum. That will take care of itself." ...
Father Uwe Michael Lang on Latin in the Liturgy
Latin - Tie of Unity Between Peoples And Cultures
- 而現時思高聖經譯本(包括新舊約合訂本和譯釋版系列),則與新版主日感恩祭相符。
- 「新」(Nova Vulgata)和「舊」(Clementina Vulgata)拉丁通行本,與舊版《主日感恩祭》的版本相符。而其他英語譯本(如Revised Standard Version, New Jerusalem Bible, Douay-Rheims, New International Version)亦是這樣。
- 一本「學術」拉丁通行本,則指出有一種版本,當中兒子回應的次序,與上述拉丁通行本一樣,但聽眾的回應,則是「後者」(novissimus),即「司祭長和民間的長老」們,認為那口口聲聲說跟從、但後來沒了件事的兒子,是履行了父親的旨意!
節數 | 第一式 | 第二式 | 第三式 |
29 | 他回答說:主,我去。但他卻沒有去。 | 他回答說:我不願意。但後來悔悟過來,就去了。 | 他回答說:我不願意。但後來悔悟過來,就去了。 |
30 | 他對第二個也說了同樣的話,第二個卻答應說:我不願意。但後來悔悟過來,而又去了。 | 他來給第二個說了同樣的話,第二個卻答應說:主,我去。他卻沒有去。 | 他來給第二個說了同樣的話,第二個答應說:主,我去。但卻沒有去。 |
31a | 二人中那一個履行了父親的意願?」他們說:「後一個。」 | 二人中那一個履行了父親的意願?」他們說:前一個。 | 這兩個中那一個履行了父親的意願?」他們說:後一個。 |
......就校勘學來說,是這一種經文較為確切;但就上下文的意義來說,我們所選取的經文[按:即第一式]更為適合,因為有上下文為依據,故此比較容易解釋。現有拉丁通行本的經文,如註中之譯文[按:即第二式] ......但在禮儀而言,我們應選取哪一版本?
根據教廷聖禮部的指引《Liturgiam authenticam》:
若按照上述原則,那麼我們是否應跟從《新拉丁通行本》所列出(即回復舊版《主日感恩祭》)的版本?37. If the biblical translation from which the Lectionary is composed exhibits readings that differ from those set forth in the Latin liturgical text, it should be borne in mind that the Nova Vulgata Editio is the point of reference as regards the delineation of the canonical text.[32] Thus, in the translation of the deuterocanonical books and wherever else there may exist varying manuscript traditions, the liturgical translation must be prepared in accordance with the same manuscript tradition that the Nova Vulgata has followed. If a previously prepared translation reflects a choice that departs from that which is found in the Nova Vulgata Editio as regards the underlying textual tradition, the order of verses, or similar factors, the discrepancy needs to be remedied in the preparation of any Lectionary so that conformity with the Latin liturgical text may be maintained. In preparing new translations, it would be helpful, though not obligatory, that the numbering of the verses also follow that of the same text as closely as possible.
38. It is often permissible that a variant reading of a verse be used, on the basis of critical editions and upon the recommendation of experts. However, this is not permissible in the case of a liturgical text where such a choice would affect those elements of the passage that are pertinent to its liturgical context, or whenever the principles found elsewhere in this Instruction would otherwise be neglected. For passages where a critical consensus is lacking, particular attention should be given to the choices reflected in the approved Latin text.[33]
39. The delineation of the biblical pericopai is to conform entirely to the Ordo lectionum Missae or to the other approved and confirmed liturgical texts, as the case may be.
[32] Cf. Council of Trent, Session IV, 8 April 1546, De libris sacris et de traditionibus recipiendis, and De vulgata editione Bibliorum et de modo interpretandi s. Scripturarum : Denz.–Schönm., nn. 1501-1508 ; Pope John Paul II, Apost. Const. Scripturarum thesaurus, 25 April 1979: AAS 71 (1979) 558-559.
[33] Cf. Pope Paul VI, Address to the Cardinals and Prelates of the Roman Curia, 23 December 1966, n. 11: AAS 59 (1967) 53-54; cf. Address to the Cardinals and Prelates of the Roman Curia, 22 December 1977: AAS 70 (1978) 43; cf. Pope John Paul II, Apost. Const. Scripturarum thesaurus, 25 April 1979: AAS 71 (1979) 558; Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum, editio typica altera 1986, Praefatio ad Lectorem.
Father Smolarski on Self-Intinction
In some places in the late 1970s, seemingly in the interests of efficiency, "self-intinction" had been practiced for Communion under both kinds and occasionally this practice continues. No major liturgical writer has ever suggested that intinction is a good way to minister Communion under both kinds - drinking from the chalice is always to be preferred (cf. U.S. Norms #42). One form of "self-intinction" forces all communicants to take a host themselves and then to dip it in the chalice. Such a practice does not give people the option of drinking from the chalice or even of receiving Communion on the tongue, and we must respect that piety even if we disagree with it. In addition, such a practice eliminates the necessity of having a minister in the action of receiving Communion, therefore depersonalizing it as well as turning an action which for centuries has been seen as "humbly receiving God's gifts" into "taking what is rightfully mine."
Archimandrite Robert Taft, S.J., an expert on liturgies of the Eastern Chrisitian Churches, writes:
But from the sources we have studied at least one thing is clear: the Eucharist, ideally at least, is not something one takes. It is a gift received, a meal shared. And since sacraments by their very nature are supposed to symbolize what they mean, then self-service, cafeteria-style communion rites just will not do. (24)
The late Father Robert Hovda wrote:
The personal sharing and transaction between minister and communicant is part of the symbolic action. That is why it is such a loss when that personal dimension is eliminated by the use of a mode of sharing which does not involve a minister of the plate and a minister of the cup. One sees this not infrequently: plates simply passed through a group, or cups simply placed on the altar to be found by communicants. The loss is not a minor one. It is a loss of personal eye contact, personal word, personal gesture, personal touch. (25)
(24) Taft, "Receiving Communion - A Forgotten Symbol?" p. 418.
Deus, qui sacrae legis omnia constituta
in tua et proximi dilectione posuisti,
da nobis, ut, tua praecepta servantes,
ad vitam mereamur pervenire perpetuam.
每當彌撒中,神父在將領聖體時,都會唸一篇禱文,其中兩句:求你使我恆心遵守你的規誡,永不與你分離(et fac me tuis semper inhaerere mandatis, et a te numquam separari permittas)。其斯之謂與?
Catena Aurea
因要負責協助會議中的聖經分享,所以在網上瀏覽了一些釋經的資訊。其中留意到一個名叫Catechetics Online的網站。顧名思義,當然是「教道理」的網站了。
這個網站收藏了聖多瑪斯‧亞奎那所編的教父福音釋義集,名為《Catena Aurea》。數年前,網上只有聖瑪寶福音的部分,但現在,則英文和拉丁文都有。(不過拉丁版本在另一網站)
教父闡釋聖經,往往不拘泥於字面意義。(這不是說他們「不重視」字面意義--literal sense)他們亦積極地以信仰的眼光,發掘聖經所蘊含的深層意義(精神意義,即:allegorical, moral, anagogical senses)。這就有如《天主教教理》第115-119條所引述的中世紀詩句:
Lettera gesta docet,
quid credas allegoria,
moralis quid agas,
quo tendas anagogia.
Per seipsum intingere:
Notitiae 34 [1998] 5-6
Ad quaestiones Congregationi de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum positas hic proponuntur praesertim ea quae in variis documentis circa rem ipsam inveniuntur.
Qu. 2: Utrum Sacra Communio sub utraque specie per intinctionem distribui possit in manibus fidelium?
Resp.: Negative.De modo sanctam Communionem ministrandi agitur Instructio Memoriale Domini, die 29 maii 1969, a Sacra Congregatione pro Cultu Divino edita. Instructio haec completur, in re pastorali, Epistula qua conceditur Conferentiis Episcopalibus indultum distribuendi fidelibus sacram Communionem in manu, cum omnes conditiones requisitae habeantur. Hanc Epistulam S. Congregatio pro Cultu Divino sua cuiusque lingua exaratam Indultum petentibus misit. Publici tamen iuris lingua gallica facta est (cf. Notitiae 5 [1969] 351-353), statuens, quoad ad dubium propositum: si Communio Sanguinis Christi fit per intinctionem, panis eucharisticus nequit poni in manibus fidelium: "Dans le cas de la Communion sous les deux espèces distribuée par intinction, il n'est jamais permis de déposer dans la main du fidèle l'hostie trempée dans le Sang du Seigneur". Ad hanc rem etiam pertinent ea quae scripta sunt sunt in Institutione Generali Misssalis Romani circa Ritum Communionis sub utraque specie per intinctionem, ubi implicite modus distribuendi super linguam indicatur: "Singuli communicandi accedunt, debitam reverentiam faciunt et stant coram sacerdote tenentes patinam sub ore. Sacerdos partem hostiae in calicem intingit et eam ostendendo dicit: Corpus et Sanguis Christi; communicandus autem respondet: Amen, et a sacerdote Sacramentum recipit, ac postea recedit" (n. 246b). Ex contextu normarum evidenter apparet ne Sacra Communio per intinctionem in manibus fidelium distribuatur.
... Ne permittatur communicando per seipsum hostiam in calicem intingere nec hostiam intinctam manu accipere ...
2.7 領聖體方式
2.7.1 單領聖體
a. 傳統方式:教友雙手合十,接近送聖體者,舌領聖體。
b. 手領方式:教友雙手適度地伸展,手掌平伸、向上,左掌在右掌之上;送聖體者說:「基督聖體」,並把聖體放在教友掌中;教友答「阿孟」,隨即靠一邊,恭領聖體,然後才返回座位。
2.7.2 兼領聖體聖血
註:堂區主任司鐸可斟酌實際情況 (例如,在堂區團體中某些成年人或兒童有所不便的情況下),採用以下方式,以確保「安全」。
Syllabus of Errors
誠然,一種禮儀中的行為屬於「妄用」(abuse)與「可否精益求精」(room for further refinements)之間的分別,需要進一步探討。但大家也許可以「懷緬」一下,過往參與的堂區禮儀(主日彌撒、個別團體彌撒),有沒有類似經歷,然後與括號顯示的〈羅馬彌撒經書總論〉(IGMR)及《救贖聖事訓令》(RS)的條目,作出比較。──
- 彌撒「致候禮」中,主禮除了以禮書指定的方式向教友致候外,亦用上世俗的致候方式(如:「早晨、午安、晚安」、「聖誕/中秋/新年快樂」等),並促使信眾們作同等回應。致候後,主禮介紹本日彌撒的「極簡短的詞句」(brevissimis verbis),儼然成了一篇「極簡短的講道」[IGMR 50, 124]。
- 進堂的奉香,不知為何緣故,改為在光榮頌時進行。[IGMR 49, 123]
- 主禮在禮儀經文中,述及天主聖三的名字、以及主耶穌的聖名時,未有點頭鞠躬(inclinatio capitis)[IGMR 275a]。
- 以非聖經的歌曲,取代聖道禮儀中的答唱詠的部分甚至全部內容。[RS 62]
- 福音前歡呼中,要宣讀福音的聖職人員到達讀經台時,參禮群眾仍「若無其事」,未有轉身朝向讀經台。[IGMR 133]
- 宣讀福音的聖職人員致候時,未有合上雙手。[IGMR 134]
- 宣讀福音前的奉香,在致候前進行。[IGMR 134]
- 將聖道禮儀及聖祭禮儀,分在不同地點舉行。[RS 60]
- 在非苦難敘述的福音宣讀中,讓平信徒讀經員以「角色扮演」或「廣播劇」的方式宣讀。[IGMR 109, RS 63]
- 在某些「特別場合」,讓平信徒在神父或執事本應「講道」的時刻,登上讀經台「證道」。[IGMR 66, 309;RS 64-66, 74)]
- 在主日及節日的彌撒,因各種「理由」(例如「時間」關係),非法地省略「信經」。[IGMR 67-68]
- 主禮以私自創作的「信德宣誓」,取代禮書所指定的信經。[RS 69]
- 信經中,唸到「祂因聖神由童貞瑪利亞取得肉驅,而成為人」一句時,未有按禮規的要求「深鞠躬」或「跪下」。[IGMR 137]
- 預備禮品時,主禮司鐸「貪快」,同時舉起聖盤和聖爵,且私自混合「呈奉祭餅」及「呈奉祭酒」的經文。[IGMR 141-143]
- 預備祭酒時,省略「注水禮」[IGMR 142;RS 50]
- 預備禮品中,省略「洗手」。[IGMR 76, 145]
- 聖祭禮儀進行時,讓非輔禮人員在聖所(presbyterium)內參禮,甚至有如共祭神父。[Notitiae 17 (1981) 61]
- 在感恩經中,除「聖聖聖」、「祝聖後的歡呼詞」及「亞孟」外,容許個別教友誦念當中的經文。[RS 52, 54]
- 主祭在祝聖經文中,誦念「感謝了、分開」時,擘開麵餅。[RS 55]
- 很多教友從來不清楚在參與感恩祭時,應在甚麼時刻下跪。「羊群效應」、「個人虔敬」、「禮多人不怪」的心態,多於「主動參與」及「團體意識」。[Notitiae 14 (1978) 300-301]
- 詠唱天主經時,採用「手牽手」形式、或類同主祭的「伸開雙手」(所謂「orans」)形式。[Notitiae 11, (1975) 226;Caeremoniale Episcoporum, no. 104]
- 平安禮中,採用彌撒常用經文以外的其他歌曲(如《頌恩》第377首)。[IGMR 24, 154;RS 31, 72]
- 在分送共融聖事的過程中,未有使用「聖體盤」(patina)以承載「可能」從聖體盒或聖爵所掉下或滴下的聖體聖血。[IGMR 118;RS 93]
- 領主時,有教友張開口、伸出舌頭希望「口領聖體」,卻遭送聖體員質問:「你不懂得怎樣領聖體嗎?」或:「你係唔係教友?」[RS 92]
- 送聖體後,主祭未有如禮規指示「隨即」返回祭台清理祭器,反而繼續留在聖所前,並透過各種明示或暗示,「邀請」尚未初領聖體的人士,接收他的「個別祝福」,甚至以一首聖歌(如《頌恩》第357首)來將此環節隆重化,使之成為「重複或無用的增添」(quae temporum decursu duplicata fuerunt vel minus utiliter addita),並使教友理應感謝聖體的時刻,集體分心。[IGMR 88, 163-164;RS 24, 31;Sacrosanctum Concilium, 50]
De Missa cum populo
158. Postea, [sacerdos] stans ad altare conversus, sacerdos secreto dicit: Corpus Christi custódiat me in vitam ætérnam, et reverenter sumit Corpus Christi. Deinde accipit calicem, secreto dicens: Sanguis Christi custódiat me in vitam ætérnam, et reverenter sumit Sanguinem Christi.
De Missa concelebrata
245. Sanguis Domini sumi potest vel ex ipso calice directe bibendo, vel per intinctionem, vel cum calamo, vel cum cochleari.
246. Si Communio fit bibendo directe ex calice, unus ex his modis potest adhiberi:
a) Celebrans principalis, stans in medio altaris, accipit calicem et secreto dicit: Sanguis Christi custódiat me in vitam ætérnam, et paulum Sanguinis sumit et calicem diacono vel concelebranti tradit. Communionem fidelibus deinde distribuit (cf. nn. 160-162).
Concelebrantes unus post alium, vel bini si duo calices adhibentur, ad altare accedunt, genuflectunt, Sanguinem sumunt, labrum calicis abstergunt et ad suam sedem redeunt.
b) Celebrans principalis Sanguinem Domini sumit de more stans in medio altaris.Concelebrantes vero Sanguinem Domini sumere possunt locis suis manendo et ex calice, ipsis a diacono vel ab uno concelebrante oblato, bibendo; aut etiam tradendo sibi deinceps calicem. Calix semper abstergitur vel ab eo qui bibit vel ab illo qui calicem præsentat. Singuli, cum communicaverint, ad suam sedem redeunt.
247. Diaconus totum Christi Sanguinem qui remansit ad altare reverenter sumit, adiuvantibus, si casus fert, aliquibus concelebrantibus, dein calicem ad abacum transfert, ibique ipse vel acolythus rite institutus more solito eum purificat, abstergit et componit (cf. n. 183).
248. Communio concelebrantium ita etiam potest ordinari, ut singuli ad altare Corpori et, statim postea, Sanguini Domini communicent.Hoc in casu, celebrans principalis sub utraque specie Communionem more solito sumit (cf. n. 158), servato tamen ritu pro Communione calicis singulis in casibus electo, quem ceteri concelebrantes sequantur.
Communione autem celebrantis principalis peracta, calix ad latus altaris super aliud corporale deponitur. Concelebrantes unus post alium ad medium altaris accedunt, genuflectunt et Corpori Domini communicant; transeunt deinde ad latus altaris, et Sanguinem Domini sumunt, iuxta ritum pro Communione calicis electum, ut supra dictum est.
Eodem modo ac supra fiunt et Communio diaconi et purificatio calicis.
249. Si Communio concelebrantium fit per intinctionem, celebrans principalis more solito Corpus et Sanguinem Domini sumit, attendens tamen ut in calice satis Sanguinis remaneat ad Communionem concelebrantium.Diaconus deinde, vel unus e concelebrantibus, calicem aut in medio altaris, aut ad latus eius super aliud corporale, una cum patena continente particulas hostiæ, opportune disponit.
Concelebrantes, unus post alium, ad altare accedunt, genuflectunt, particulam accipiunt, eam partim in calicem intingunt et, purificatorium ori submittentes, intinctam particulam sumunt, ac deinde ad loca sua recedunt ut initio Missæ.
Per intinctionem Communionem accipit etiam diaconus, qui Amen respondet concelebranti sibi dicenti: Corpus et Sanguis Christi. Diaconus autem ad altare totum Sanguinem qui remansit sumit, adiuvantibus, si casus fert, aliquibus concelebrantibus, calicem ad abacum transfert, ibique ipse vel acolythus rite institutus more solito eum purificat, abstergit et componit.
我們可以參考教廷信理部頒布的一份「釋疑覆文」,當中提及地方教會當局,可否對一些具有「酗酒傾向」或「因疾病緣故」而不便從杯中領受聖血的主祭神父,准予「蘸領」(per intinctionem)一小部分聖血。信理部的答覆為:可以。有趣的是:「釋法」當局乃信理部而非聖禮部--可能這個主禮「飲杯」的問題,不單關乎純粹禮儀問題,「聖體神學」亦牽涉在內。謹將原文節錄如下--
換言之,在彌撒中主祭神父須從杯中飲聖血,乃是一條通例。「例外」只適用於個別嚴重情況,且須先得主教批准。RESPONSA AD PROPOSITA DUBIA[...]D. 1) Utrum sacerdoti, qui ratione alcoholismi vel alius infirmitatis secundum iudicium proprii medici non postest sumere ne illam quidem minimam quantitatem vini consecrati quae in Missa adhiberi solet, suggerendum sit ut communicetur "per intinctionem" in Missa concelebrata.R. Affirmative.D. 2) Utrum Ordinarius loci permittere queat sacerdoti, qui in eadem versatur condicione, ut etiam solus celebret Missam sese communicans "per intinctionem", dummodo fidelis, qui Missae assistat, consummet quod de vino consecrato remansit.R. Affirmative.[...]AAS 74 (1982), 1298-1299.
... Further study on the rubrics of the Mass reveals another interesting topic, which is about the manner of consummation of the Sacrifice of the Mass - by the celebrant's "drinking from the chalice".
Several years ago, I heard a similar remark from a Jesuit priest. At that time, my original parish started using the "self-intinction" method for regularly administering Communion under both kinds. "Naive" then as I was, we dismissed his notion for "hygienic" reason.However, a closer look into the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani and a deeper reflection of the issue prompted me to agree with the priest's understanding:
1. It is mandatory for the celebrating priest (or the principal celebrant in case of concelebration) to first consummate the sacrifice by partaking both the Body and Blood of the Lord before distributing Communion to the faithful. This principle was implied in IGMR and explicitly restated by Redemptionis Sacramentum. (cf. nos. 97-98)
2. However, the rubrics did not provide the option for the priest (or principal celebrant) to communicate by intinction. If the rule of IGMR and rubrics are to be followed, the Body and the Blood are to be partaken "one by one" - these actions are to be carried out with the accompanying gestures and prayers as stipulated in the Missal.
3. Even in the case of concelebration where the concelebrant(s) is/are to communicate under both kinds by intinction, the principal celebrant still needs to communicate according to the preceding norms (i.e. "more solito").
4. Now, there is a beautiful and meaningful sign involved during "drinking" - a pouring out (effusio) which connotes both the "shedding" of Blood on Calvary as well as the "pouring out" of Precious blood from the chalice. It is manifested in the institution narrative:
Sanguis ... effundetur - On Calvary the blood of the Lord was shed as a summa of the world's sin and God's supreme forgiveness. What people do there was essentially sacrilege. But in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, this shedding is the summa of the Church's supreme worship which is essentially formed and accomplished during the consecration and consummated during the Communion. The former (consecration) is the mystical immolation from the aspect of "origin" while the latter (consummation) concerns the application from the aspect of "pouring out of gift".
4. An analogy is evident when we compare the difference between enactment of the convenant (ratum) and its fulfillment (consummatum) in the nuptial mystery. In Latin, eucharistic coetus and conjugal coitus are basically the same word.5. At the Mass the priest "anticipates" yet actually "celebrates" the heavenly banquet. After the Agnus Dei he announces it is the Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:9). The Lord told his disciples during the Passover Meal: "But I say to you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until the day when I shall drink it new with you in the kingdom of my Father" (Mt 26:29). Now in the person of the priest, Christ drinks it new with us in the Father's kingdom. Heaven is brought down to earth in the liturgy!
6. Any hygienic consideration must be countered by the inspired statement that the Priest, when he acts in persona Christi - "His mouth is sweetness itself; he is all delight." (Cant. 5:16). After all considerations, the cup which we bless - isn't it in communion with the Blood of Christ? (1 Cor 10:16)
Should we recover the full meanings of this liturgical sign?
Father Basil Cole on Limbo
Fr. Basil Cole, O.P.
On Limbo: Is Limbo ready to be abolished? Limbo revisited
Nova et Vetera, English Edition,Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008): 403-418
Other related articles -
Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S.: Could Limbo be abolished?
International Theological Commission
The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized
去了Roman Theological Forum,當中一篇文章述及教宗保祿六世本人,有關聖經方面的訓導,資料可謂十分豐富。
... A particularly rich source of such teaching is to be found in the Pope's Wednesday audience allocutions, which he personally researched and wrote every Tuesday morning. We are indebted to a personal recollection of Cardinal Edouard Gagnon for revealing evidence as to how seriously the Pope took these discourses as occasions for teaching: in an interview given to the review 30 Giorni, His Eminence has recalled an audience with Paul VI in which the Pontiff confessed to him that some advisers tried to dissuade him from spending too much time or energy on these allocutions, on the grounds that the pilgrims assisting at the audience paid scant attention to them. But the Pope, recalls Cardinal Gagnon, told him: "I always reply to the effect that while that may be correct - for people often do not appreciate hearing the truth - it is nonetheless necessary to keep affirming it. When the need for truth is reawakened among the People of God, they will have to know where to look for it and how to find it." ...
If you walk with Rome, you'll never walk astray
Instrumentum Laboris: Points of Doubt
小弟於數月前曾瀏覽該次會議的預備文件(Instrumentum Laboris),察見當中英文版有這麼一句:
... with regards to what might be inspired in the many parts of Sacred Scripture, inerrancy applies only to "that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings for the sake of salvation" (DV 11) ...再對照拉丁原文:
... quamvis omnes Sacrae Scripturae partes divinitus inspiratae sint, tamen eius inerrantia pertinet tantummodo ad «veritatem, quam Deus nostrae salutis causa Litteris Sacris consignari voluit» (DV 11) ...
香港公教真理學會近年所出版的幾本述及聖經的書藉,亦顯示這種「有限無誤」的傾向。它們多數是譯自英文著作。最近期的例子則包括譯自凱‧梅迪(Kay Murdy)所著的《聖經通識》(What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Bible):Cum ergo omne id, quod auctores inspirati seu hagiographi asserunt, retineri debeat assertum a Spiritu Sancto, inde Scripturae libri veritatem, quam Deus nostrae salutis causa Litteris Sacris consignari voluit, firmiter, fideliter et sine errore docere profitendi sunt (21). Itaque "omnis Scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum, ad arguendum, ad corripiendum, ad erudiendum in iustitia: ut perfectus sit homo Dei, ad omne opus bonum instructus" (2 Tim 3,16-17, gr.).(Dei Verbum, No. 11)
(21) Cf. S. AUGUSTINUS, De Gen. ad litt., 2, 9, 20: PL 34, 270-271; CSEL 28, 1, 46-47 et Epist. 82, 3: PL 33, 277; CSEL 34, 2, 354.- S. THOMAS, De Ver., q. 12, a. 2, C.-CONC. TRID., Decr. De canonicis Scripturis: DENZ. 783 (1501) - LEO XIII, Litt. Encycl. Providentissimus Deus: EB 121, 124, 126-127.- PIUS XII, Litt. Encycl. Divino afflante: EB 539.
Synod Working Document Revives Biblical Inerrancy Controversy
Vatican Working Document For Synod Undermines Inerrancy Of Sacred Scripture
The "Salvific" Clause of Dei Verbum, No. 11
Biblical Inerrancy
Is The Bible True Or Not? A Response To The Bishops Of The United Kingdom
Bishop William Lori On Christian Anthropology of Marital Embrace
At The Heart Of It All: An Anthropological Vision Of Gaudium et Spes, Humanae Vitae and Deus Caritas Est
U.S. bishops contra Catholic pro-abortion politicians
Bishops Respond To Senator Biden’s Statements Regarding Church Teaching On Abortion
- 「人的生命始於成孕一刻--這不是天主教教義的問題,而是生物學的定理」
- 在這篇文章中,Bp Slattery提到公教徒在維護生命尊嚴事項上的堅持,乃基於自然律,而不是將基督徒的信仰,強加於非基督徒身上。
Don't Blame The Bishops - Catholic means pro-life
- 天主教徒的身份本身,要求在若干事項及問題上,持守教會自古所既有而應恆守的立場。
Fr. Zuhlsdorf on blessing children at Communion
(三)在感恩祭中,領受共融聖事的隊伍(Communion procession),在禮儀中具有一定意義――他們透過聖洗聖事加入教會,並妥善地預備自己,以響應主祭的召請:「蒙召參與羔羊宴席的人,是有福的」,領受共融聖事,預嚐天國的盛宴。若在共融聖事的隊伍後,加上「不能領受共融聖事者」的隊伍,則勢將減弱上述標記所蘊含的豐富意義,甚至令教友對聖體聖事本身的獨特性產生混淆。
(四)此類行為,助長人們在領主禮中,「人人都應有些東西拿走」(Everybody should get something)的「人有我有」心態,而這心態是不恰當的。
People Now Kneel to Receive Communion on the Tongue at Papal, Public Masses
Msgr. Athanasius Schneider所著的《Dominus Est: Riflessioni di un Vescovo dell'Asia Centrale sulla sacra Comunione》,亦受到廣泛注意。
Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration
Cardinal Walter Kasper on Brother Roger
信理部對Fr. Tomislav Vlasic的處分
默主哥耶(Medjugorje)所屬的「Mostar-Duvno」教區主教Msgr. Ratko Peric,日前公佈了一項教廷信理部,對一位曾為「神視者」(visionaries)作培育的前「神師」Tomislav Vlasic抗命事件的處理。
The Canonical status of Rev. Father Tomislav Vlašić, OFM
... The Decree of the Congregation mentions that Rev. Fr. Tomislav Vlašić, a cleric of the Franciscan Minor Order - the founder of the association 'Kraljice mira potpuno Tvoji - po Mariji k Isusu' and who is involved in the "phenomenon Medjugorje" - has been reported to the Congregation "for the diffusion of dubious doctrine, manipulation of consciences, suspected mysticism, disobedience towards legitimately issued orders and charges contra sextum" ...
We can talk the talk,
but can we walk the walk?
Given your closeness to your beloved Predecessor and on the basis of your personal experience, what can you say to me and to all of us to truly help elderly or sick priests to live their priesthood well and fruitfully in the presbyterate and in the Christian community? Thank you!
Pope Benedict XVI: Thank you, Reverend Father. I would say that, for me, both parts of the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II's Pontificate were equally important. In the first part in which we saw him as a giant of faith: with incredible courage, extraordinary force, a true joy of faith and great lucidity, he took the Gospel message to the ends of the earth.
He spoke to everyone, he explored new paths with the Movements, interreligious dialogue, ecumenical meetings, deepening the manner in which we listen to the divine Word, with everything . . . with his love for the Sacred Liturgy. He truly brought down — we can say — not the walls of Jericho but the walls between two worlds with the power of his own faith. His testimony lives on, unforgettable, and continues to be a light for this millennium.
However, I must say that because of the humble testimony of his "passion", to my mind these last years of his Pontificate were no less important; just as he carried the Lord's Cross before us and put into practice the words of the Lord: "Follow me, carry the Cross with me and walk in my footsteps!".
With such humility, such patience with which he accepted what was practically the destruction of his body and the growing inability to speak, he who had been a master of words thus showed us visibly — it seems to me — the profound truth that the Lord redeemed us with his Cross, with the Passion, as an extreme act of his love. He showed us that suffering is not only a "no", something negative, the lack of something, but a positive reality. He showed us that suffering accepted for love of Christ, for love of God and of others is a redeeming force, a force of love and no less powerful than the great deeds he accomplished in the first part of his Pontificate.
We also have these two aspects in the life of the Lord. In the first part he teaches the joy of the Kingdom of God, brings his gifts to men and then, in the second part, he is immersed in the Passion until his last cry from the Cross. In this very way he taught us who God is, that God is love and that, in identifying with our suffering as human beings, he takes us in his arms and immerses us in his love and this love alone bathes us in redemption, purification and rebirth.
So I would like to thank all who accept suffering, who suffer with the Lord, and to encourage all of us to have an open heart for the suffering and for the elderly; to understand that their "passion" is itself a source of renewal for humanity, creating love in us and uniting us to the Lord. Yet, in the end, it is always difficult to suffer. I remember Cardinal Mayer's sister. She was seriously ill and when she became impatient he said to her: "You see, now you are with the Lord". And she answered him: "It is easy for you to say so because you are healthy, but I am suffering my 'passion'. It is true, in a true "passion" it becomes ever more difficult to be truly united with the Lord and to maintain this disposition of union with the suffering Lord.
Let us therefore pray for all who are suffering and do our utmost to help them, to show our gratitude for their suffering and be present to them as much as we can, to the very end. This is a fundamental message of Christianity that stems from the theology of the Cross: the fact that suffering and passion are present in Christ's love is the challenge for us to unite ourselves with his Passion.
We must love those who suffer not only with words but with all our actions and our commitment. I think that only in this way are we truly Christian. I wrote in my Encyclical Spe Salvi that the ability to accept suffering and those who suffer is the measure of the humanity one possesses. When this ability is lacking, man is reduced and redefined. Therefore, let us pray the Lord to help us in our suffering and lead us to be close to all those who suffering in this world.