當中最引起小弟注意的一項,是「The duties and obligations of one's state of life」一項。個人在塵世生活的職責,其實亦包括多個角色的任務,決不能因顧此失彼,而留下缺憾。Among the truths which faith teaches us, there are several which all ought to know and to believe explicitly, viz., the existence of one God; the Mystery of the Holy Trinity; the Mystery of the Redemption of mankind by the Incarnation and death of Jesus Christ, and the future state of reward and punishment.There are things which every Catholic is also bound to know, by the express command either of God or of the Church. These things are:
The three most ordinary Christian prayers, viz., the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary and the Apostles' Creed; and also, at least in substance, The Commandments of God; The Precepts of the Church; The Doctrine of the Sacraments, and especially of these three, which are necessary to every one, viz., Baptism, Penance, and the Holy Eucharist; The duties and obligations of one's state of life.It is a mortal sin for a Christian to be ignorant of these things, if it be through his own wilflness or neglect.