首先,根據《教會憲章》(Lumen Gentium)第十六條的著明段落:
Qui enim Evangelium Christi Eiusque Ecclesiam sine culpa ignorantes, Deum tamen sincero corde quaerunt, Eiusque voluntatem per conscientiae dictamen agnitam, operibus adimplere, sub gratiae influxu, conantur, aeternam salutem consequi possunt. Nec divina Providentia auxilia ad salutem necessaria denegat his qui sine culpa ad expressam agnitionem Dei nondum pervenerunt et rectam vitam non sine divina gratia assequi nituntur.原來那些非因自己的過失,而不知道基督的福音及其教會的人,卻誠心尋求天主,並按照良心的指示,在天主聖寵的感召下,實行天主的聖意,他們是可以得到永生的。還有一些人,非因自已的過失,尚未認識天主,卻不無天主聖寵而勉力度著正直的生活,天主上智也不會使他們缺少為得救必需的助佑。
另一篇章,則是在《教會傳教工作法令》(Ad Gentes)第七條:
由此我們可以得知,若某部份外教人最終得救,乃是因為天主的引領,使他們幸獲信德之恩。Etsi ergo Deus viis sibi notis homines Evangelium sine eorum culpa ignorantes ad fidem adducere possit, sine qua impossibile est Ipsi placere, Ecclesiae tamen necessitas incumbit, simulque ius sacrum, evangelizandi, ac proinde missionalis activitas vim suam et necessitatem hodie sicut et semper integram servat.所以,雖然天主有其獨自知道的方法,能夠引導那些非因自己的過失而不認識基督的人,得到為悅樂天主無可或缺的信德,可是宣傳福音仍是教會不可推卸的責任,同時也是神聖的權利。所以,傳教工作,在今天一如過去和將來,始終保持其全部的活力與需要。
現時中文版的禮儀,將「[memento ...] omniumque in tua miseratione defunctorum」譯成「求你垂念所有去世的人」。這使不少人得出教會為「所有」(不論是在煉獄或地獄中的)亡者祈禱、祈求天主使他們早日享見光輝聖容的錯覺。然實則教會禱詞的文字意義為:「並求你垂念所有『在你慈悲中』去世的人」,由是觀之,則受惠於教會此一轉禱的對象,應是身處煉獄中的外教人。最新的英語譯文,似乎已發現並糾正了此一訛誤。Meménto étiam fratrum nostrórum, qui in spe resurrectiónis dormiérunt, omniúmque in tua miseratióne defunctórum, et eos in lumen vultus tui admítte.
Fratres nostros defúnctos et omnes qui, tibi placéntes, ex hoc sæculo transiérunt, in regnum tuum benígnus admítte ...
Nunc ergo, Dómine, ómnium recordáre, pro quibus tibi hanc oblatiónem offérimus: in primis fámuli tui, Papæ nostri N., Epíscopi nostri N., e Episcopórum órdinis univérsi, sed et totíus cleri, et offeréntium, et circumstántium, et cuncti pópuli tui, et ómnium, qui te quærunt corde síncero. Meménto étiam illórum, qui obiérunt in pace Christi tui, et ómnium defunctórum, quorum fidem tu solus cognovísti.上主,現在我們向你奉獻這個聖祭,求你垂念我們的教宗(某)、我們的主教(某)、全體主教、所有聖職人員、求獻彌撒的人,和在場參禮的人,以及你的全體子民,和誠意尋求你的人。求你也垂念安息於基督的信眾;並垂念所有亡者--他們的信德只有你知道。
10 則留言:
The pugatory is only for those who baptized.
During the celebration of mass, the priest says the mass for living and dead. The word "dead" means those who died in the state of grace.
It is impossible for those who has not been baptized to die in the state of grace since they are still bound by the Original Sin, we would never say someone who has died with Original Sin is in the state of grace.
原罪是一個「消極」概念。它本質上是指常恩(sanctifying grace/聖化恩寵)的「缺乏」--而這種缺乏亦同時是「遺傳」的。
Dear Edward,
I am fine. :)
I will be having the last subject of the final examination tomorrow, please pray for me.
There is no orginal grace. If there was any original grace, it would have been destroyed by the original sin.
In order to go to heaven, I believe baptism is needed and is necessary. Grace as you have mentioned, can be divided into two types, Sanctifying Grace and Actual Grace. We can only gain the sanctifying grace from the sacrament of the church, such as Baptism and Confession. No doubt, the receiving of Acutal Grace does not require a man to be in the state of Sanctifying grace.
"Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus", "Ubi Petrus Ibi Ecclesia".
Those who do not know God, i.e. they have never heard about any thing about the True God, can go to heaven if they lived according to the light of conscience. But for those who have heard about God and did not believe in Him, there should not be any chance for them to go to heaven because they rejected the guidiance of the light of conscience which eventually lead them to the true God and the one true Church.
And for those protestant, I don't believe their so-called Baptism is valid. When we consider the validity of sacrament, we consider its form, matter intention. Appearently, the form and matter are valid in their so-called Baptism because they used pure water and correctly announced "ego te baptizo in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, Amen". But I believe their intention is not valid, because they are not tending to excercise the will of the church. As if they want to do so, they are still not practicing the intention of the one True Church.
And for those Buddhists and anything else, the above first situation can still be applied. Their salvation is depending on if they have ever heard about the Truth of God and if they followed the light of conscience.
The church cannot contradict its own teaching. Vantican II cannot contradict the previous Councils.
Thus we have to distinguish which one is right and which one is wrong.
On the other hand, what do you think about the few articles written by 尹雅白 on KKP?
I believe this is exactly a trap! A dangerous trap for those who cannot distinguish the REAL teaching of the church.
How can he use the personal feeling of the pope and see them as an official standing of the church? Nonsense! I still believe that the pope can be wrong when he is not saying things "ex cathedra" on the topic of faith and morals.
Dear Calvin,
梵二的訓導,當然不可以和以往的教會訓導相衝突。這是「hermeneutic of continuity」嘛!不過,小弟分析兩者的著眼點,不是在於找出他們之間的「衝突」和「矛盾」,而是著眼於應將它們如何解釋、才不至於產生衝突和矛盾。這不是「孰是孰非」的問題,而是「他們兩者,如何都是對的」的問題。
Dear Edward,
I really can't sustain that guy uses His Holiness' personal view as the offical standing of the church.
Did he receive any training from the seminary?
Dear Calvin,
It is certainly a terrible thing to confuse the personal view of the Pope with the official teaching of the Church.
Concerning Medjugorje, I don't think either JPII or B16 has ever been on their side. You know, there is much wishful thinking and spiritual blindness involved in these phenomena. They classically cannot be convinced.
Dear Edward,
You know, Medjugorje is all about $$$$$$$$$$.
Those so-called witnesses own 2 car parks and a tennis court at home!
It would be great if you can deliver the true catholic view on this matter to the KKP. I always refer to Michael Davies. Check this out : http://www.mdaviesonmedj.com/
Moreover, do you know if the bishop is aware of this matter or not? Two priests of the Diocese of Hong Kong are going to lead two "teams" to go to Medjugorje in a short time! They are from the Church of Announciation in Tsuen Wan.
你說得很對,默主哥耶是一個金礦。我下載了Michael Davies’ Online Book,亦將全本書看完,亦在很多提倡默主哥耶的網站中,看到對已去世的Michael Davies所作出的批評。在我所屬的堂區內,默主哥耶朝拜者已成為一股可以左右堂區運作的勢力。他們每星期有祈禱及分享,亦將默主哥耶聖母(Gospa-Our Lady of Medugorje) 全天候「供奉」在祭台。每當教友向聖體龕下跪朝拜時,也在同時向默主哥耶聖母下跪。每當神父在彌撒奉香時,默主哥耶聖母亦能同玷這敬禮。難怪外教人叫我們天主教為拜聖母教。教會說這不是朝拜,只是為表達我們對聖母之敬慕。我才疏學淺,對教理及聖經一知半解,雖已入教近半世紀,但觀乎那羣默主哥耶信奉者的行為,實弄不清朝拜及敬慕的分別。