


都幾有趣的:香港的堂區內,往往有一種習慣,將「領經」(Commentator:正確地應譯作「旁述」)的職務稱為「司儀」(Master of Ceremonies)。




在這裡,記起了 Martin Mosebach 所著的《The Heresy of Formlessness - The Roman Liturgy and Its Enemy》,當中描述一位神父,在主教禮儀中擔當「禮節司」角色的意義:

... In the pontifical Mass the celebrating bishop has an assistant at his side, the presbyter assistens, who dose not wear Mass vestments but choir dress, a cope (pluviale). The priest's task is to guide the bishop through the Missal, turning the pages and indicating the next prayers to be said. In former times he used a small rod for this purpose, a metal scepter ending in a tiny hand and extended index finger. Interestingly, a very similar pointing-stick is used when reading the Torah in the orthodox Jewish service. It may seem puzzling first that prelates who spend their whole lives in and with the liturgy cannot find their way around the Missal on their own; but we begin to see that this ritual of pointing actually manifests the celebrant's submission to the traditional order of prayer: it is not something created by him. Here again the cult wishes to be understood and experienced as something given, not made by the man of the moment. The celebrant is an instrument, just as the pointing-stick is. When the Mass is celebrated by an ordinary priest, the "master of ceremonies" indicates the relevant places in the Missal with his entire hand, not, for course, with the index finger; this pointing is very closely associated with the use of the Missal: of the thousand possibilities contained in it, the pointer "from above" indicates the particular reality applicable to the day. As for the subordinate gestures of the hand on the part of lower clerics and even laymen, they always have a reference to the ministry of the angels. Indicating the correct place in the Missal partakes - most definitely - of the character of revelation ...
