這幅圖的文字部分,引用了聖保祿宗徒致厄弗所人書的名句:「Sacramentum hoc magnum est ... in Christo et in Ecclesia」(「這基督和教會內的奧秘,確是偉大」--Eph 5:32)。這經文的確是婚配聖事本質的最佳闡釋。
「Lapides vivi」意指「活石」。這裡用的是眾數:意謂基督化的家庭生活,是教會的搖籃。我們的生活須被基督的愛情滲透,並藉著具體見證,不斷拓展基督的國度。
Christian Marriage is the permanent union of husband and wife for the procreation and education of children and for their own mutual assistance.
This union was made sacred when Christ raised it to the dignity of a Sacrament and entrusted its keeping and administration to His Church.
Marriage is God's plan for peopling the earth, and by it He invites His creatures, through the love they have for each other, to share with Him in the great work of procreation. He entrusts to the married couple the children born to them, that they may bring them up in the knowledge and love of almighty God, and gives them the graces necessary for that work.
The marriage service is a solemn and moving ceremony in which the two partners pledge their word to God and to each other to be loyal and faithful. Whenever both partners are baptized Christians the grace of the Sacrament is conferred. When both are Catholics the marriage ceremony may be followed by the Nuptial Mass during which a special blessing is given to them.
The beauty of the ceremony which follows here shows the Church's wish to bestow an abundance of grace on those who contract marriage in accordance with her mind.
3 則留言:
Dear Edward,我叫Bryan。請問這本舊禮儀書在哪裡找得到呢?雖然我對禮儀的認識和你相比實在微不足道,但實在非常同意這本經書對婚配聖事的解讀。剛巧我也在籌備婚禮,看到你這篇文章,真的很想找一本留念。
Hi Bryan,
該書名為《Roman Catholic Daily Missal - 1962》。中環公進社亦有售呢!